Marijuana has yet to be legalized in every U.S. state. It may only be a matter of time before all 50 states legalize it, but for the time being, millions of Americans live in jurisdictions where a THC-positive drug test can result in serious negative consequences. What, then, can you take to give yourself a legal high?
Mad honey just might be the solution. Yes, we said mad honey. It’s not the same as the honey you can get from your local grocery store. Mad honey is an experience, and more people - especially in North America - are starting to sign up.
Below, we’ll answer the following questions:
- Does mad honey make you high?
- Where is mad honey from?
- What is mad honey used for?
- Does mad honey consumption pose any risks?
- How much mad honey should you take for your first time?
Let’s dive in!
What is Mad Honey?

Mad honey is a special type of honey that causes a range of intoxicating and psychoactive effects. Several flowers belonging to the genus Rhododendron contain grayanotoxin, the special ingredient that gives mad honey its psychoactive effects.
Grayanotoxins belong to a special class of terpenes and become neurotoxins when humans consume them. Don’t be afraid of this particular neurotoxin, though—there’s only been one recorded death from mad honey since the 1800s.
Grayanotoxins begin their mad honey journey when forager bees set off from their hives in search of nectar. After a honey bee collects nectar that contains grayanotoxins, it does its usual song and dance to turn that nectar into honey. We won’t go into it because it’s a little gross, but we still stan the all-important honeybee.
After the mad honey bees (they don’t actually experience the psychoactive effects) deposit the honey into the mad honeycomb, they furiously flap their wings to remove excess moisture and seal up each hexagon.
The experts—mad honey hunters—scale mountainsides a few times a year to harvest the good stuff, but springtime usually yields the best product.
Where does mad honey come from?
Mad honey can be obtained from any place where rhododendron flowers grow, but it is most plentiful in Nepal, Turkey, and the Black Sea. The Gurung people, a Tibetan ethnic group, have famously used mad honey for millennia to treat various ailments, such as superficial wounds, the common cold, and erectile dysfunction.
Occasionally, determined mad honey hunters can find it hiding in the crags of the Appalachian Mountains. The conditions have to be just right, though, and usually come about when an abnormal cold snap kills many types of flowers but spares rhododendrons.
Does Mad Honey Make You High?
Yes, mad honey produces physiological and emotional effects that you might equate to feeling high. Users often feel relaxed, euphoric, and sociable.
At higher doses, mad honey can cause mild hallucinations. Your experience with mad honey might differ from others’ experiences, so take care not to consume too much—especially for your first time.

Scientists aren’t 100% sure how mad honey produces its psychoactive effects, but it’s clear that the grayanotoxins excite sodium ion channels that interact with the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is sort of the calming antithesis to the nervous system, which produces the notorious (but sometimes helpful) fight-or-flight sensation.
Grayanotoxins keep these sodium ion channels open longer than they’d normally be, which can enhance the effects of the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system.
Mad Honey Effects & Benefits
Mad honey fetches its high price tag from the high it gives users, which has been specifically described as a state of:
- Euphoria
- Giddiness
- Increased sociability
- Emotional openness
- Reduced stress
- Light-headedness
- Delirium
Local populations have long used mad honey to help with certain physical health conditions, including:
- High blood pressure
- The common cold
- Skin infections
- Wounds
- Diabetes
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Arthritis
- Low libido
Mad honey has many of the same benefits as non-intoxicating honey, including anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardio-protective. Really, what’s not to love?
Know Your Risks: Potential Side Effects
Well, okay – there may be some things about mad honey you may not be wild about. Unless you consume tiny amounts (less than a teaspoon), chances are high that you’ll experience some physical symptoms from mad honey.
Some of the most common physical side effects from mad honey intoxication are:
- Dizziness
- Muscle weakness
- Blurred or double vision
- Excessive sweating
- Vertigo
- Nausea or vomiting
- Tingling of the extremities
- Low blood pressure
- Respiratory depression
- Slowed heart rate
- Seizures
- Loss of consciousness
Those last few side effects may pop out at you, but they’re usually associated with larger doses. If you start with half a teaspoon and slowly work your way up, you should only experience discomfort that’s comparable to an alcohol hangover.
Is mad honey a drug?
There are two ways of answering this question. Mad honey is a drug in that its consumption produces physiological effects, but that makes it no different from coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, or Benadryl.
On the other hand, mad honey is different from drugs like cocaine, LSD, and marijuana in that it’s legal everywhere in the U.S. without a prescription. It would be illegal, of course, to drive a car while you’re high on mad honey.
How Much Mad Honey Should I Take?
Experienced mad honey users typically advise first-timers to consume no more than one teaspoon on their inaugural voyage. If you want to be extra cautious, take half a teaspoon. You should start feeling the effects within 30 minutes; they’re at their most intense within about two hours.
As with all substances, the best practice is to slowly work your way up to the dose that comes with too many unpleasant side effects. We definitely recommend talking to your doctor before trying mad honey, especially if you live with pre-existing medical conditions or take other medications.
Shop Mad Honey Products at Gold Dragon Kratom
Gold Dragon Kratom offers mad honey products you can find nowhere else. We’ve got the means to ship gummies, extract, and more quality products from the mad honeycombs of Nepal right to your front door.
You can see all of our mad honey products, including an introductory bundle, right here. Our staff is always around to answer any questions you might have. Happy foraging!