A Beginner’s Guide to Smoking Blue Lotus

A Beginner’s Guide to Smoking Blue Lotus

Whether it’s found in the dynamic waters of the Nile or the water pipe in your hand, blue lotus has a rich history as a natural calming and soothing agent. Many users find that smoking blue lotus is one of the fastest, easiest ways to experience its effects. But is smoking the blue lotus flower even possible? And, if it is, is it a good idea? Let’s break down how to smoke blue lotus, what to expect, and what else you can do to reap the benefits of this powerful plant.

Quick Review: What is Blue Lotus?

Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a water lily that grows globally along lakes and rivers. However, the true “home” of blue lotus and the culture surrounding it is in Egypt, specifically the Nile River. The flower was traditionally used in ancient Egyptian herbalism but is renowned today for its ability to promote relaxation and help users achieve an altered state of consciousness. 

For centuries, blue lotus has been associated with spiritual rituals and health benefits alike. Researchers have spotted drawings of the blue lotus flower on ancient Egyptian tombs from as early as the 14th century B.C.E.! With so much history, it’s no wonder that blue lotus has become a hit among users looking for natural solutions to wellness concerns. 

There are two compounds in blue lotus thought to be responsible for its psychoactive effects: apomorphine and nuciferine

  • Apomorphine: A dopamine agonist that creates a feeling of euphoria, happiness, and tranquility.
  • Nuciferine: An antipsychotic that can produce feelings of calmness and relaxation; researchers don’t yet fully understand the mechanisms through which nuciferine achieves these effects.

Blue lotus flowers are part of a larger family of plants that produce compounds known as aminogenic secondary metabolites. These metabolites are believed to be responsible for a range of pharmacological effects, including analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

Can You Smoke Blue Lotus?

You absolutely can smoke blue lotus! In fact, smoking blue lotus flower is one of the most common ways users consume the plant. Choosing to inhale blue lotus smoke will allow you to feel its calming effects much faster than you would from an edible.

Keep in mind, though, that when you use blue lotus for smoking, you’re more likely to experience intense psychoactive effects. The active compounds in the flowers will be released into your bloodstream rapidly, which causes more intense and faster-acting results.

Another important note: many of the blue lotus products on the market are not 100% pure blue lotus. So, be careful when you shop, and only smoke products that are meant for smoking!

What about vaporizing blue lotus?

You can also choose to vape blue lotus if you’re not a fan of smoke. For vaping, invest in some blue lotus vape juice or a vape cart. Or, if you prefer to use the plant material itself, grind your flower up into a fine powder, then pack it into a dry herb vaporizer.

Pro tip: create your own blue lotus smoking blend by mixing flower with a base herb, like cannabis or mugwort. On its own, blue lotus can produce a harsh smoke that might not taste amazing, but you can customize your experience by mixing it with other plants.

What Does Smoking Blue Lotus Do? Effects & Benefits of Smoking Blue Lotus

You can take advantage of the same blue lotus benefits you would get from an edible when you choose to smoke. Get ready to feel a wave of calming, soothing effects wash over your body within just a few minutes of taking your first puff.

It’s important to note, though, that research supporting any claims about the health benefits and effects of blue lotus is limited. Right now, anecdotal evidence from other blue lotus fans is our best guide for what to expect.

Effects of Smoking Blue Lotus

The main effects of smoking blue lotus are changes in mood and perception. You can expect effects like these to kick in after about 5-10 minutes of smoking:

  • Euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Sleepiness
  • Head and body “high”
  • Mood enhancement and improvement

Like anything you put into your body, blue lotus can sometimes cause unwanted side effects. These may be more likely to occur at higher doses. Some of the most common side effects or potential downsides of smoking blue lotus include:

  • Lung and throat irritation
  • Coughing
  • Sore throat
  • Confusion
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Increased or rapid heartbeat
  • Slurred speech

In some cases, more severe side effects – such as hallucinations, chest pain, or seizures – have been reported/can occur

Benefits of Smoking Blue Lotus

Again, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the risks and benefits of blue lotus flower smoking. However, we can make some generalizations based on the effects that most users experience while using their products.

  • Lowered anxiety levels. Because blue lotus is known for its ability to calm and soothe, it’s great at fighting anxiety and melting away stress. When used regularly, it may help some people manage symptoms of anxiety.
  • Antioxidant effects. As a plant with powerful antioxidant potential, blue lotus can help battle free radicals in the body that can contribute to the development of chronic health conditions, such as heart disease.
  • Natural sexual health support. The ancient Egyptians and Mayans relied on apomorphine-containing plants like blue lotus as aids for sexual activity. Since blue lotus is a natural aphrodisiac, it can help you get busy and feel great while doing so.

How to Smoke Blue Lotus Flower

Ready to try smoking blue lotus yourself? It’s time to get started! If you’re new to smoking, don’t worry – the process is fairly straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide you can use whether you’re smoking blue lotus on its own or mixing it with other herbs.

  • Step 1: Prepare. Get your blue lotus flower ready for smoking by grinding it up. Make sure you pick up some dried blue lotus flowers online or at a specialty shop to get the best, smoothest smoke. 
  • Step 2: Pack. Either roll your ground blue lotus using a rolling paper or get ready to pack the bowl on a pipe. This is a great time to mix in other herbs if you plan to do so. 
  • Step 3: Puff. With your flower packed into your bowl or rolled up into a joint, you’re ready to get started. Light up your joint or pipe and take a slow, steady inhale. Hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds and enjoy the taste. Then, slowly exhale. 

For vaping, you can follow the same general process but use a vape pen or dry herb vaporizer instead of a pipe or papers. When vaping, you can typically stick to a medium temperature setting – blue lotus doesn’t require high heat to release its active ingredients, though you may need to make adjustments if you’re also vaping other herbs. 

Alternatives to Blue Lotus Smoking

If you’re concerned about lung health, dislike smoking, or just want an option that’s a little more subtle, there are alternatives to smoking blue lotus that allow you to achieve similar effects. Let’s take a quick look at some of the best options.

Blue Lotus Vapes

You can certainly choose to vape blue lotus flower, but an even easier way to enjoy your favorite plant is through a blue lotus vape pen or cart.

We like this example from Binoid, which packs flower extract into a discreet, travel-friendly package that’s great for sharing with friends.

Blue Lotus Gummies

Inhalables not your style? No problem. Try some blue lotus gummies for effects that last for hours and pack a real punch.

These mushroom and blue lotus gummies from Wunder are just one example of the many types of edibles you can use to achieve your desired effects.

Final Thoughts: Is Smoking Blue Lotus for You?

If you’re looking to experience the effects of blue lotus quickly, smoking might be your best bet. Smoking the blue lotus flower creates fast-acting and intense effects that may be more likely to make you feel “high.” Plus, all you need to smoke blue lotus is a pipe or some rolling papers, plant material, and a lighter, making it one of the easiest consumption methods. 

Of course, smoking blue lotus can come with some downsides – namely, for your lung health – so it may not be the best choice for everyone. Even if smoking doesn’t fit your needs, vaping blue lotus might. Otherwise, you can use products like blue lotus gummies to target anxiety, insomnia, and similar wellness concerns.

The best way to know if smoking blue lotus is right for you is to give it a try! If you’re not totally sure where to start, you can always contact the team here at Gold Dragon Kratom for a free consultation. We’d be happy to help you find the products that fit your lifestyle!

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Meagan Smith

Meagan Smith is a creative professional based in St. Louis. When she’s not writing about kratom and mushrooms for Gold Dragon, she’s writing true crime and horror stories. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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